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" The dramatic reduction in waste has resulted in a very quick payback on our investment "

Pcounter Web Report 4.1

Pcounter Web Report 4.1 supports the latest Pcounter versions (including 3.x generation), and has a one-click installation of MS SQL Express 2017 as a dedicated instance for PWR4. This means no need for separate download. It is also possible to use the same SQL Server as Pcounter 3.x or integrate to a different SQL Server on your network.

  • No automatic migration of existing reports

  • A managed migration can be provided on request if a customer maintains a large list of reports

  • New platform requires new license key

  • New platform targets 64 Bit OS by default

  • New Platform requires 2008 R2 Server or greater (.NET 4.5.x +)

Key Features
  • Dashboard for quick insight into top printers, copiers and users, Modernized HTML 5 web interface (no Silverlight)

  • Supports latest Pcounter versions

  • Create single page summary reports, detail reports, or both

  • Simple but powerful report builder

  • Comes with its own embedded SQL localDB platform, or can be hosted on customer SQL server and IIS platforms for larger installations.

New interfaces

Upgrading from PWR3

PWR4 runs on the latest Microsoft platforms for its web server and database, therefore there is no direct upgrade path between version 3 generation and the latest version 4 platform. PWR4 can run as a separate installation to PWR3, and for upgrade scenarios it is recommended that the version 3.x platform is disabled and then PWR4 is fully configured and commissioned. Any data residing in the PWR3 system can be retained for archiving purposes.


  • No automatic migration of existing reports

*A managed migration can be provided on request if a customer maintains a large list of reports

  • New platform requires new license key

  • New platform targets 64 Bit OS by default

  • New Platform requires 2008 R2 Server or greater (.NET 4.5.x +)

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