We're happy to announce the release of new Pcounter Xauditron, version 2015.03.23
This is a major new version, including :
New features:
Added improved LDAP authentication support.
Added delegate print release.
Added ask for password with card swipe option.
PCXAConfig - Added discover printers option.
PCXAConfig - Disabling Secure Access now unlocks the pathways as well.
CXAConfig - Added option to discover printers on the network.
Scan server - Remote server access account can now be used as service login account. (Sometimes this is necessary.
If client code app runs at login and client code associations are enforced, it will automatically continue to login if the user has only one code assigned.
Fixed problem with multiple button presses on the print release app causing overlapped requests and undefined behavior.
Fixed problem with strict accounting where user balances might go below the limit.
Fixed problem where the admin login might not be accepted.
Fixed problem with configuration scripting new Color Cxx devices.
Fixed problem where users could logoff before jobs could be released properly by the EIP app.
Fixed problem where consecutuve card swipes could confuse the printer if swipe to logout was enabled.
PCXAConfig - Fixed problem with authentication test not handling id number tests properly.
Fixed problem where swipe to logout might cause an error message on the printer display.
Fixed problem where client code app would display en error message if set to login with new code.
Input from barcode scanners is now handled properly.
Download the latest version from the Help Center. Before updating make sure that your installation has valid maintenance.