Universal Print is a cloud based print infrastructure that lets users securely and easily find, add and print to your printers.
All they need is their Azure AD login for your organisation. It removes or simplifies conventional print queue deployment and lets users submit print jobs from anywhere.
But how does it work if you have Pcounter?
It is very simple.
Setup Universal Print in Azure then just install and configure the Universal Print Connector on your Pcounter Server(s).
Universal Print simply passes each print job to the associated Pcounter print queue and then it works in the usual way via Pcounter:
User Balance checks
Direct printing
Pull-printing - release jobs securely from MFPs (requires Pcounter embedded)
Logging and reporting
Why not give it a go?
Microsoft Universal Print is here and has been generally available for a few months to most organisations with Microsoft 365 subscriptions.
Our team can answer any queries and provide information in order to assist you with testing Universal Print with Pcounter in your environment - get in touch